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Ephermerella dorothea, Pale Evening Dun-Ephermerella invaria, Ephermerella rotunda-Sulphur Dun

Writer: flylehighflylehigh

Ephemerellidae has only one genus-Ehermerella. Sulphurs


Nymphs are crawlers and are quiet water dwellers found in flats and runs. They flourish in limestone especially silt. Nymphs swim laboriously with a peculiar wiggle. Seek appropriate sites along banks, behind boulders and deadfalls. Some hatch into sub-imagos a foot below the surface. Use deep running, weighted nymphs during hatchless hours. During emergence fish in the surface film. They may also be fished with stiff hackle and pontoon tails-dry style. When nymphs are emerging trout can be extremely selective to cream-colored wets just under the surface, i.e.Little Marryatt and Light Cahill. Joe Kohler introduced us to a nymph pattern which is a killer.

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TAIL-Tie in a few wisps of Lemon Wood Duck, 1/3 the length of the hook.

BODY-Dub a cigar shaped body with dark brown angora rabbit. You’re finished.


Duns have three tails and emerge May 15th through the end of June. Hatches are usually between 7 pm and dusk. Hatches usually last ½ hour. The best fishing is after sunset. The first activity is usually caused by invaria & rotunda, not dorothea. Trout are extra selective to silhouette, size & color. We suggest Dorothea Sparkle Duns No Hackle, or parachute patterns.

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Size difference is considerable. Be careful - are they taking duns or spinners? Use #16 and if you get refusals go to #18. If the dun is pale yellow and about #16, species doesn’t matter.

Duns take off quickly so Spinners may be better fishing. Tie some orange at the Thorax, try to wind the hackle so the orange is apparent. Be observant - are Trout taking dorothea or the larger invaria and rotunda?


Spinners are pale yellow, have three tails and fall at dusk. Body size 6.5-7.5mm. Size 18. They jettison their eggs a safe distance above the stream above riffles,trout love the egg sacks.

Earlier hatches and cloudy days result in spinner falls sometime after 7 pm. As the season progresses, falls occur at dusk or after dark. Since duns take off quickly so spinners are better fishing.

It's been my experience the Sparkle Dun or Compara Dun is an effective pattern for the dun or spinner.

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