Picture is of annual cicadas
Greetings from Washington's Queets wilderness.
I have a few comments to add to the abundance of information on the web
Most of my comments were gleaned fromCicada Brood X map 2021: When and where billions of the bugs will emerge - Vox
Annual cicadas are not only a different species than periodical cicadas, they are a different genus—
Periodical cicadas are a little smaller than the annuals
The periodicals appear earlier in the year than the annuals; the bulk of them emerge during June
Big trout that would normally feed only at night, dawn and dusk, are active all day. The easy availability of so many big bites of food are too much to resist, and caution is overcome by greed.
You can find a list of each brood, and in what year and what Pennsylvania counties it is expected, on the Penn State website.
During life of my fly shop I was privileged fish, tie and learn from Don Douple. Don would compare areas of projected Magiccicada maps to his stream maps, drive to where they intersected and listen for the bugs.