Behavior Location
Flyfishers will celebrate Independence Day, standing in 59-degree water, fishing tricos, ants, Beetles, craneflies & midge patterns.
Normal stream temperatures in the low 60's.
Patterns for late July are midge patterns and terrestrials. The trico fishing will continue to be excellent.
Early August will bring water temperatures ranging from 56 to 60. Mornings will feature the trico hatch . It will be in full swing. In the afternoon knowledgeable afternoon anglers will be using terrestrials, craneflies and midges. We will start to see some Yellow drakes, Cahills and Blue Winged Olives
Mid August we will find water temperatures from 58 to 62. The trico hatch will continue in full swing. They will show up between 8 & 9:30am, Afternoon patterns include midge patterns, Blue Wnged Olives, Inchworms some Yellow Dakes, Cahills & terrestrials. We will start to see some Hexagenias. The Hex strip nymph will be productive.
Late August water temperatures will range from 58 to 62 degrees. trico's will show up in late morning, fishing will be excellent. Later try midge patterns, Blue Winged Olives, Craneflies, Inchworms, Hex Strip nymphs & terrestrials. Swallows and Robins will have left by now.
Water temperatures in early September will be around 58 degrees. We will be using midge patterns, Blue Winged Olives, Craneflies, & terrestrials.The Trico fishing will continue to be excellent.
During mid month water temperatures will drop to around 56. Terrestrials will be king. The Trico fishing will be excellent. They will show up in late morning through the end of the month when water temperatures drop to 52. We will continue to fish Midge patterns, Blue Winged Olives, Inchworms & terrestrials.
M=morning; A=afternoon; E=evening
H=major hatch; S=sporadic; P=present
Little Blue Quill Baetis tricauatus MAE S S S
swimmer flats
Minute Blue Winged Baetis levitans MAE S
swimmer flats, runs, riffles
Yellow Drake Ephemera varia E H S
crawler pools
White Fly ephoron leukon E H H
burrower pools & flats
Big Slate Drake hexagenia atrocaudat MAE H H
burrower pools & flats
Slate Drakes Isonychia sp. MA S S S
swimmer flats, runs, riffles
Blue Quill Paraleptophlebia MA H H H strigula
crawler flats
Blue Quill Paraleptophlebia MA H H H
crawler flats
Blue quill Paraleptophlebia MA H
crawler flats
Little Sulphur Dun Epeorus vitreas AE S
clinger runs, riffles
Little Yellow Dun Heptogenia hebe AE S
clinger Emerge in pools & flats, found in riffles & runs also.
Little Evening Sulphur Heptogenia minerva AE H H
clinger Emerge in pools & flats, found in Riffles & runs also.
clinger Emerge in pools & flats, found in Riffles & runs also.
Cream Cahill Stenocron pulchellum AE S S
Clinger Emerge in pools & flats, found in riffles & runs also.
Trico Tricorythodes stygiatuM H H H
crawler pools, flats
Yellow Drake Ephemera varia E H S
crawler pools
Spotted sedge Hydropsyche AE H H H
net spin riffles, runs
Olive sedge Rhyacophila abosalis MAE H H H
free riffles, runs
Little Black Caddis Dolophiloides nigrita AE H H H
Net? runs, flats, riffles
Finger net "
Al’s Rat, Griffith's GnatChironomidae MAE H H H
pools, flats
Mosquito pools, flats H H H
pool, flats
Waterboatman Hemiptera P P P
Ants Hymenoptera P P P
drift, swimmer pools, flats, riffles, runs
Bees, Hornets, wasps Hymenoptera P P P
Inchworms Lepidoptera P P P
drift, struggler pools, flats, riffles, runs
Beetles Coleoptera P P P
drift, swimmer pools, flats, riffles, runs
Grasshoppers Orthoptera P P P
drift, swimmer pools, flats, riffles, runs
Crickets Orthoptera P P P
drift, struggler pools, flats, riffles, runs
Worms Oligochhaeta P P P
Leeches Hirudinea P P P
Scuds Amphipoda, Isopoda P P P
swimmer, crawler pools, flats
Crawfish Crustacea P P P
swimmer, crawler
crawler, Swimmer pools, flats, run, riffles
Dace, shiners, etc. Cyprinidae P P P
Swimmer pools
Suckers Catostomidae P P P
swimmer, rester pools
TROUTS AND CHARS Salmondae P P P swimmer pools, flats, runs, riffles